Rise and Shine Adult Day Programs

Adult Day Program

Rise and Shine offers Part-Time and Full-Time placements for families with FMS (family managed services) PDD funding. Our program offers flexibility to families so that they can manage their lives and not have to worry about their loved one with special needs. Our Key Program Components are :Peer Interaction, Physical Activity, Cooking and Baking, Art and Special Projects, Music and Movement Therapy, Volunteering, Life Skills and Leisure Activities.

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Main Focus
Cognitive Disability, Developmental Disability, Intellectual Disability
Funding Eligibility
Eligible for PDD

About this Organization

Rise and Shine is all about building community and offering young adults with special needs a life full of challenge, adventure and friendship. Rise and Shine is an ideal day program for young adults with special needs who would benefit from peer interaction and community involvement. The most remarkable part of our program is that each group’s program and schedule is centered around their interests, and will be managed by experienced and knowledgeable staff.

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