What is Program Unit Funding (PUF)?

Program Unit Funding or PUF is a grant provided by Alberta Education to school authorities for children with developmental disabilities who require additional support beyond that offered in a regular ECS program.

Who is allowed to access PUF?

  • PUF is available for a maximum of 3 years for each eligible child.
  • The child must be between 2 years, 8 months and 6 years of age as of September 1.
  • The child must have been assessed and diagnosed with a severe disability or language delay. Children must be assessed by a qualified professional (Developmental Pediatrician, Pediatrician, Registered Speech Language Pathologist, Registered Psychologist).
  • The child must be enrolled in a pre-K or Kindergarten program. An application must be filled out by an Early Childhood Support (ECS) provider on behalf of the family. Parents DO NOT complete the PUF application on their own.

What does PUF offer?

Early Child Services (ECS) offer educational programs to children who qualify for PUF. Although they are educational programs, therapy can be accessed by children who require these services based on their individual needs. Programming and support will be adapted each year to address the child’s progress and learning needs. An Individual Program Plan (IPP) will be created specifically for the child and will be reviewed regularly.

There are a few different ways that Early Childhood Service providers provide PUF programs:

  • Some are centre-based, meaning they take place in a centre or school setting.
  • Some are home-based.
  • Some programs will provide services in a community setting like a daycare or community preschool.
  • Some take place in a combination of different settings.

For more information on Early Childhood Supports, please click here.